Follow the muse

The fabric that makes up our reality is created atom by atom. Each experiment, each line of code,At MuseMatrix we are exploring the possibilities of science and tech.

The Fellowship

20 scientists and technologists collaborating for 6 months IRL & URL to develop open-source DeSci tooling that advances humanity


Scientists and technologists looking to build amazing projects.


Experts in science (decentralized, open, institutional) and technology.


Believers in a better science-tech future.


Coordinating DeSci tooling

A program where scientists and technologists work in synergy

Established Projects


Causality Network is the auth layer for science

DeSci London

the largest IRL DeSci community

DeSci Mic

the only weekly DeSci Twitter/X space


DeSci pop-up city
Nov 25 - Dec 15 2024

Focus Areas

Exploring the edges of what's possible


Using open-source brain–computer interface hardware (from OpenBCI) to build Neutrotech focused dAPPS and/or protocols where the device signs and hashes the data on-chain to show its not been tampered with


Wearable devices such as FitBit or more advanced medical grade blockchain ready ones such as SmarKo with integrated PPG sensors and also continuous glucose monitors.


A prediction model for pandemic defense and preparedness


Using an open source bioreactor for decentralised coordination to validate protocols

The Team

Facilitating what's possible

Bharat, MD

Erin Magennis

What else should be explored?

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